Sophie Achard
When I came back to work in Grenoble and was recruited by the CNRS, I worked on an interdisciplinary project in an interdisciplinary commission, I was able to directly talk with doctors. This has been a shifting point, not only because I had the brain’s images, but I had the doctor’s comments and clarifications of the person who was behind. I already felt like I was living in a dream, because to be able to set up the mathematical tools allowing us to connect and discuss with the doctors is already amazing, just as to be able to continue this.
- CNRS Silver Medal 2023
Research thematics
Statistics applied to neuroscienceFind out more

Alexandre Afgoustidis
For about ten years now, learning and thinking about the ideas of other mathematicians has been a source of wonder and joy to me. I hope this enthusiasm will stay with me for a long time.
Research thematics
Lie groups; Reductive groups; Representation theory; Harmonic analysis
Bill Allombert
As a research engineer in number theory developing a free computer algebra system, I’m involved in enriching it through interactions with mathematicians and disseminating it among the community worldwide, so that it serves as a tool for the community.
Research thematics
Algorithmic number theory; Computer algebra; Arithmetic geometry
Nalini Anantharaman
The driving force as a researcher is not only to try to publish what you know, it is to know how to say what you don’t know. Having the courage to admit ignorance and do the work to overcome it.
- Plenary speaker ICM 2018
- CNRS silver medal 2013
- Poincaré Prize 2012
- Salem Prize 2010
- Member of the French Académie des sciences
Research thematics
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory; Mathematical physics; PDE; Analysis on manifolds
Viviane Baladi
Professional trips and academic seminars punctuate the life of a mathematician, yet some leave deeper traces than others. I remember listening to Daniel Smania in Brazil in 2006. He was evoking a formula that had previously and very mysteriously appeared in my own calculations. Listening to him, an illumination came to me. The formula finally made sense.
- CNRS silver medal 2019
- Member of Academia Europaea
Research thematics
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory; Functional analysis
Claude Bardos
I am fascinated by the span of mathematics. To do mathematics is to make advances which benefit mathematics themselves as well as all human activities. And it feels like that very mathematical ambition had an impact on the behavior of the research community.
- ICIAM Maxwell Prize 2019
Research thematics
PDE; Fluid mechanics
Yves Benoist
What stands out for me is the evolution of great ideas, for example the history of a theorem spanning several centuries with all its twists and turns
- Invited speaker ECM2021
- Invited speaker ICM 2014
- Takagi Lecture 2012
- Clay Research Award 2011
Research thematics
Topological groups; Lie groups; Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Joackim Bernier
I have always felt the need to get to the bottom of things; I think this is what convinced and seduced me in mathematics.
Research thematics
PDE; Numerical analysis
Jean-Michel Bismut
Mathematics needs young people more than ever. The extraordinary development of the recent years makes it an urgent task to fully transmit to the next generations these fantastic tools. Even though knowledge and experience certainly help, we need the drive and energy of young people having the necessary strength and courage to develop our science further, and also disseminate our common standards of truth and respect for facts.
- Shaw Prize 2021
- Member of the French Académie des sciences, Academia Europaea
Research thematics
Geometric analysis; Analysis on manifolds; Probability theory and stochastic processes
Sébastien Boucksom
Fundamental mathematics have reached an extremely high level of specialization nowadays, because of the great sophistication achieved in many of its subfields. As a result, research in mathematics tends be organized in smaller communities that can only make sense at an international level. International meetings have become extremely frequent, inducing a very strong feeling, in which international collaborations are all but natural. It is just as simple and common to collaborate with someone on the other side of the planet as it is with your colleague next door, I couldn’t even conveive of my research without this interconnectivity.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Several complex variables and analytic spaces; Algebraic geometry
Mireille Bousquet-Mélou
- CNRS Silver Medal 2014
- ICM Invited speaker 2006
- Member of the French Académie des Sciences
Research thematics
Pierrick Bousseau
I have greatly beneficiated from international collaboration, first during my PhD in London and then during my postdoc in Zurich. Collaborations still play an important role in my current research.
Research thematics
Algebraic geometry; Enumerative geometry
Rémi Boutonnet
Mathematicians form a free group; they can go in every direction, their only boundary is at infinity.
- CNRS bronze medal 2021
Research thematics
Operator algebras; Ergodic theory; Lattices in Lie groups
Christophe Breuil
I have a hope for the younger generations: that the various governments finally become fully aware how difficult it is to find a permanent academic position as a young mathematician. It seems to me that it is even more difficult than in the past, as the competition for permanent positions is now worldwide. And that’s a new issue.
- CNRS silver medal 2017
- Invited Speaker ICM 2010
Research thematics
Number theory; p-adic groups;Representation theory; p-adic cohomology
Dorin Bucur
I hereby quote Georg Cantor: “The essence of mathematics is freedom”.
- Invited Speaker ECM 2024
- Third prize at the International Mathematical Olympiad 1986
- Honorary senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France
Research thematics
My work concerns the qualitative analysis of boundary or free discontinuity problems, in order to answer either open questions in spectral geometry, or the understanding of certain physical phenomena modeled by partial differential equations in interaction with their geometric domain.
Vincent Calvez
The most exciting research projects to me are when math enlightens biological processes, and reciprocally new mathematical problems emerge from biology.
- EMS Prize 2016
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2014
Research thematics
PDE; Biology and other natural sciences
Serge Cantat
I admire many mathematicians for their passion for mathematics, their ability to share mathematics, their energy in transmitting mathematics, or simply for listening to others.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Algebraic geometry; Dynamical systems and Group theory
Dmitri Chelkak
To be a mathematician one needs to be both a philosopher and a craftsman. It is absolutely great when a beautiful new structure appears and one can easily explain why it is natural and fundamental. But you also have to work on details: think carefully about the demonstrations of the “technical” lemmas that will constitute a well constructed theory. To me, that’s what analysis is all about.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
- Salem Prize 2014
Research thematics
Ising model; Conformal invariance; Dimer model; Sturm-Liouville operators.
Karine Chemla
I think young people should have faith in the questions that appear important and meaningful to them, and not follow fashions, which usually lead to results that are only of short-lived value.
- 2020 Otto Neugebauer Prize
- Member of Academia Europaea
Research thematics
History and biography; General and overarching topics; Collections
Albert Cohen
Beyond its ubiquitous usefulness in applications, the attractiveness of mathematics lies in its intrinsic beauty.
- Blaise Pascal Medal 2020
- Invited speaker ECM 2020
- Plenary speaker ICIAM 2007
- Invited speaker ICM 2002
- Member of European Academy of Sciences
Research thematics
Numerical analysis; Approximation theory
Charles Collot
Doing math is to access an exciting unknown for the mind after a long reflection that we must master.
- ERC Starting Grant 2023
Research thematics
Jean-Michel Coron
What I like about control theory is the freedom we encounter. We are the ones who choose control to realize desired goals: we don’t just predict what will happen, we are in charge. These objectives are various, typically reaching a desired state or stabilizing a point of equilibrium, like a broom stick that we try to balance on our finger by moving the finger according to the inclination of the broom, its speed, etc.
- W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize in Mathematics 2017
- ICIAM Maxwell Prize 2015
- Member of the French Académie des sciences
Research thematics
Nonlinear PDE; Control theory : controllability and construction of feedback laws
Nicolas Curien
Similar to jokes, the best proofs in mathematics are concise and feature unexpected punchlines.
- ERC Consolidator Grants 2022

Anne-Laure Dalibard
Today, many crucial subjects for society or mankind raise fundamental scientific questions (e.g. climate change, data analysis). Mathematicians already play a large part in addressing these issues, and their role is bound to increase even further. We need many mathematicians, and it really is a great job: you can choose the subjects on which you work, exercise your creativity and curiosity, learn about new subjects regularly, and work from any place you like. Join us!
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2018
Research thematics
PDE, Fluid mechanicsFind out more

Béatrice de Tilière
Besides the love of mathematics, working in an international community is one of the reasons I chose this profession. It is a wonderful feeling to work in a universal language that allows you to communicate and have common interests with people from all countries around the world.
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2017
Research thematics
Statistical mechanics, Probability, Combinatorics
Pierre Degond
I like being in front of a blank page: that moment when I start
reflecting on a new question without a clue about how to begin. I am also
keen to interact with other researchers, especially junior mathematicians.
It’s important to be able to share the pains and thrills of doing
mathematics with others.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
- Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit 2014-2018
Research thematics
Kinetic theory; Collective dynamics; Multiscale numerical methods
Jean-Marc Delort
What I find remarkable at the Intenartional Congress of Mathematicians is that some plenary speakers manage to give an idea of their research field to an audience whose specialty is far from it. This is a specificity of the international congress.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Nonlinear PDEs; Microlocal analysis
Ya Deng
For me it is important to understand the general picture in mathematics. I am fascinated with the subjects admitting a rich structure which impacts on different branches of mathematics. Exchanging ideas and collaborating with colleagues all over the world bring me different intuitions.
Research thematics
Complex geometry; Hodge theory
Philippe Di Francesco
It is a great chance to be able to count among my colleagues and friends many mathematicians and physists from different countries, cultures and backgrounds, and it is hard to describe the pride and pleasure of being a small part of something greater that transcends borders, whether of countries, fields of research, or even of thinking.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Combinatorics; Statistical physics; Representation theory; Quantum integrable systems; Random matrix theory
Eleonora Di Nezza
Collaborating and discussing with people across the world enriched my way of doing research: it taught me to think differently and it opened up different perspectives.
Let’s be honest: mathematics is hard. It requires a lot of passion and perseverance. But then, there is this magical moment when everything appears clearly, when all the computations go smoothly and the solution is there. And this is when you realise that Mathematics is beautiful and it is worth it!
- CNRS bronze medal 2021
Research thematics
Complex and Differential geometry
Mitia Duerinckx
I feel the urge or need to understand the world. If physics fascinates me, the only language that I manage to understand is that of mathematics
Research thematics
Analysis of PDE; Mathematical physics; Probability theory
Hugo Duminil-Copin
I like the human component of mathematics. There’s nothing like a passionate discussion with the author of a proof to understand its full potential.
- Fields Medal 2022
- Dobrushin Prize 2019
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
- Loeve Prize 2017
- New Horizons Prize in Mathematics 2017
- Prize of the European Mathematical Society 2016
- Member of Academia Europaea
Research thematics
Statistical mechanics, structure of matter, Probability theory and stochastic processes
Anna Erschler
Mathematics can show us amazing beauty of this world. Many things in the past and nowadays would not be possible without mathematics. Mathematics will allow to create new things in the future that we can not yet imagine.
Mathematics in France is strong and France provides very good conditions to work.
- CNRS silver medal 2020
Research thematics
Group theory and generalizations; Probability theory; Stochastic processes
Maria Esteban
It is vital to know what’s being done elsewhere, to read other researchers’ works, to attend conferences, thereby discovering quite nice spots!, and to get to discuss with other mathematicians or scientists whose approach complements ours, and sometimes make friends… Collaborating with friends is twice the pleasure!
- Blaise Pascal Medal of the European Academy of Sciences 2021
- SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession 2019
- Member of Academia Europaea, European Academy of Sciences
Research thematics
PDE, Mathematical Physics
Florian Faucher
In applied mathematics, one often tries to put theoretical results in light of concrete applications through the use of numerical methods. It is a multidisciplinary endeavor that requires interaction with experts from different fields and a curiosity not only for the mathematical aspects and the physics questions. Research can be a frustrating process, but it is compensated by the enriching understanding one acquires.
- Eurasian Association on Inverse Problems (EAIP) Young Scientist Award 2024
- l'ERC Starting Grants 2023
Research thematics
Inverse problems; Wave equations; PDE
Bassam Fayad
What I like the most in my job as a researcher is the freedom to choose what to work on, it is the state of fever that I get into when I become obsessed with a beautiful problem. And if it works, that’s all the better, but if it doesn’t, it will still have been worth it! It is the joy of finding an idea, of sharing with someone or learning from someone. But most of all, it is the possibility, the duty, to remain curious about everything.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Javier Fresán
What amuses me the most in mathematics is to browse through an old calculus book, pick an integral at random, and try to figure out what’s going on geometrically. I like to imagine myself as a mathematician from the 19th century who has been lucky enough to travel in time and learn about motives, perverse sheaves, tannakian categories… only to go back to his true love: special functions.
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2023
Research thematics
Arithmetic geometry: periods, motives, exponential sums
Elena Gaburro
Behind every result is a new challenge.
- Peter Lax Award 2024
- ERC Starting Grant 2023
Research thematics
Numerical methods for hyperbolic PDEs
Isabelle Gallagher
I enjoy working with small groups of colleagues. I have been working with some of my collaborators for many years, and I find this extremely rewarding. What I also like in my job is the absence of hierarchy between colleagues (that is, most of the time!): from your PhD onwards, you belong to the mathematical community.
- Coxeter Lecturer Fields Institute Toronto 2020
- Invited speaker ICIAM 2019
- CNRS silver medal 2016
- Invited speaker ICM 2014
Research thematics
PDE, Fluid mechanics
Josselin Garnier
I enjoy freedom and the urge of challenges. I enjoy teaching and doing research in different environments. I strive to address new domains, it gives me the feeling of being afresh, as I was as a student.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
- Felix Klein Prize European Mathematical Society 2008
Research thematics
PDE, Random media, Inverse problems, Imaging
Anthony Genevois
For me, doing mathematics consists in exploring and experimenting an abstract universe, made of infinitely many worlds tightly connected together, and then in describing it in an esthetic way, a way that is simple, rigourous, and illuminating
Research thematics
Group theory and generalizations; Combinatorics; Geometry
Penka Georgieva
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2022
Research thematics
Geometry and topology
Etienne Ghys
I strive to share the pleasure of mathematics with as many people as possible
- Hirzebruch Lecture speaker ECM 2024
- CNRS Scientific Mediation Award 2022
- Perpetual secretary of the French Academy of Sciences since 2019
- Clay award for dissemination of mathematical knowledge 2015
- France Culture "Lire dans le noir" Audiobook Prize 2011
- d'Alembert prize from the French Mathematical Society 2010
- CNRS Silver Medal Laureate 1991
Research thematics
Topology; geometry; dynamic systemsFind out more

Léo Girardin
For me, being a mathematician means confronting the most
sophisticated mental constructions that the human mind could
conceive, the most refined puzzles and brainteasers. The
opportunity to contribute, as a mathematician, to research in life
sciences, a formidable source of such challenges and a societal
priority for the XXIst century, is priceless.
Research thematics
PDE; Biology and other natural sciences
Catherine Goldstein
I am fascinated by the way mathematicians construct concepts or results that seem very stable in the long run, but when looked at closely are in fact only reached through a process of creation, of identification, adaptation, transmission and rewriting, across many countries and with many persons involved. My work aims to unravel that scientific process and the human adventure behind it.
- Plenary speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
History of mathematics, Number theory
Sébastien Gouëzel
After many years studying mathematics and doing new mathematics, I still find it amazing how ideas coming from one subfield of mathematics can be extremely fruitful when applied to another field, and how much fun it is to unearth such unexpected relations. Mathematics are creativity and imagination before anything else!
- Brin Prize 2019
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory; Probability theory and stochastic processes
Élise Goujard
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2023
Research thematics
GeometryFind out more

Barbara Gris
As mathematicians, we have the opportunity to study phenomena of various origins: biology, physics, computer sciences… Each meeting is an opportunity to discover a new field of research and to start a new collaboration. It is a real chance to be able to take an interest in such a multitude of subjects!
Research thematics
Shape analysis; Image processing; Shape registration; Computational biology
Claire Guerrier
I would say that mathematics is about understanding how objects fit together.
Research thematics
Modeling; PDE; Probability theory and stochastic processes; Biology and other natural sciences
Colin Guillarmou
Research in mathematics is a great activity : you have a total freedom on what you want to work and think about, you can travel and meet other mathematicians around the word, and then teach what you learnt or discovered to other mathematicians and students.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Analysis and PDE; Differential geometry; Dynamical systems; Mathematical physics; Inverse problems
Alice Guionnet
I would like to tell young women to just go for it, do what they like. Working as a researcher is exciting and provides a freedom that is barely to be found elsewhere.
- Plenary speaker ICM 2022
- Blaise Pascal Medal 2018
- Loeve Prize 2009. Member of the French Académie des sciences, Academia Europaea, European Academy of Sciences
Research thematics
Probability theory and stochastic processes, Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theoryFind out more

Raphaèle Herbin
Mathematics as a universal language makes it possible to work with biologists, chemists, physicists or engineers… One keeps learning new things and that’s what I like.
- CNRS Innovation Medal 2017
Research thematics
Numerical analysis, PDE
David Hernandez
I like to see different ideas and methods – algebraic, combinatorial, geometric, analytical, etc. – intertwined in the same research theme, and especially to see intuitions or predictions derived from the reasoning of physicists put into practice precisely and harmoniously. Making these discoveries in collaboration with colleagues, then explaining or rediscovering them with students, is the most exciting part of being a mathematician.
- Invited Speaker ECM 2024
- Jacques Herbrand Grand Prix from the French Académie des Sciences (2013)
- Institut Universitaire de France (2015)
- ERC Consolidator Grant (2015)
- France-Berkeley Fund Award (2020)
Research thematics
Representation theory ; quantum groups.
Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
What I like the most about being a mathematician is the freedom to choose what to work on according to my personal interest and to explore the questions and directions that seem most promising or exciting.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Partial differential equations with applications to physics and the life sciences; Transport and advection equations; Many-particle and multi-agent systems.
Fanny Kassel
- Mathematics Medal of the French Academy of Sciences 2024
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2015

Maxim Kontsevich
To me, mathematics is a game of analogies. Most of the time I discuss something with my colleagues and try to understand how the things we discuss relate to other parts of mathematics. In some sense, my career is a lifelong journey from one field of mathematics to another.
- Plenary speaker ECM 2024
- Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics 2014
- Shaw Prize 2012
- Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics 2012
- Crafoord Prize 2008
- Fields Medal 1998
- Henri Poincaré Prize 1997
- Otto Hahn Medal 1992
- European Prize, Ville de Paris 1992
- Member of the French Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Europe
- Honorary Member of the London Mathematical Society
- Shaw Prize 2012
Research thematics
Mathematical physics; algebraic geometry
Raphaël Krikorian
Mathematics is a magnificent building conceived out of thought, that is never static and where each concept, even the most abstract, finds an echo in the real world, in everyday life. The pleasure of research for me lies there: in being in the dark, in not knowing where to start, in tracking down the relevant phenomena, exploring fruitless paths, and the (rare) flashes of insight.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Dynamical systems; Ergodic theory; Mechanics of particles and systems
Krzysztof Kurdyka
What I like about mathematics is the feeling that I get when I understand something (which doesn’t happen every day!). I tend to view mathematical facts as one looks at real objects. Also, I like developing new concepts and approaches that allow me to summarize a mathematical idea in just a few lines.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Real analytic geometry; Algebraic geometry; Gradient flow
Vincent Lafforgue
ICM and ECM are the only international congresses gathering mathematicians of all domains. They are precious opportunities for the mathematical community to become awareness of itself and of all its potentialities
- Breakthrough Prize 2019
- Plenary speaker ICM 2018
- CNRS silver medal 2015
Research thematics
Functionnal analysis, Number theory
Claudio Landim
What I like about mathematics is the freedom and the possibility it gives me to get away from real life. I like finding abstract structures that express a regularity, a deep understanding of a problem of physical origin, and verifying the validity of a model that reflects reality and remains simple enough to prove theorems about it.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Probability theory; Stochastic processes; Statistical mechanics; Structure of matter
Jean-Bernard Lasserre
What I like the most in research is to highlight (possibly through a “unifying” theory) potential links between apparently different problems. If, in addition, this theory allows the development of new tools (for example, algorithms) for the effective resolution of these problems, that’s the cherry on top.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
- John von Neumann Theory Prize 2015
- Khachiyan Prize of the INFORMS Optimization Society 2015
- Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization 2009
Research thematics
Semi-algebraic & Polynomial Optimization; Moment problems in Applied Mathematics
Claude Le Bris
The most significant advances in applied sciences are often based on fundamental science advances obtained through a fresh and transverse, if not iconoclastic look, much more than on incremental improvements of the state of the art on a particular case.
- Invited speaker ICIAM 2019
- Coxeter Lecturer Fields Institute Toronto 2018
Research thematics
PDE, Numerical analysis
François Lê
- Invited speaker ICM 2022
Research thematics
History of algebraic geometry in the 19th century
Jean-François Le Gall
I consider it a rare privilege of our profession to have the opportunity to develop fruitful and often friendly relations with colleagues from all over the world. Many of my best mathematical works have been stimulated by such interactions.
- Wolf Prize 2019
- Loeve Prize 1997
- Fermat Prize 2005
- Member of the French Académie des sciences, European Academy of Sciences
Research thematics
Probability theory and stochastic processes, Combinatorics
Thomas Leblé
Putting a problem into perspective, finding an elegant solution, writing it up. There is a strong relationship between mathematics and language and aesthetics.
Research thematics
Probability theory and stochastic processes; Statistical mechanics; Structure of matter
Thibault Lefeuvre
A laboratory is perhaps one of the few places where curiosity is never a bad thing!
- Michael Brin Junior Award 2022
Research thematics
Global analysis; Analysis on manifolds; PDE; Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Yvon Maday
To get into the applications of mathematics, you need to know your field well, your specialty of course, but you also need to have an understanding of other specialties in mathematics, and, with these tools, you can meet specialists in other disciplines who are willing to address fundamental questions with you. To young people entering research I would say: don’t be afraid, it is exciting and intellectually rich.
- ICIAM Pioneer Prize 2019
- Member of European Academy of Sciences
Research thematics
Applications of mathematics : mathematical models, numerical analysis, large scale simulations
Amine Marrakchi
I was deeply marked by the story of Evariste Galois. His example shows that tenacity, audacity and independence of mind are essential qualities for a scientist.
Research thematics
Operator Algebras; Groups and Ergodic Theory
Yvan Martel
In 2018, I spent two weeks in Brazil to give an invited lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Rio de Janeiro and to attend the satellite conference Nonlinear Dispersive Equations organized in Florianopolis the week before. These conferences and an invitation to visit IMPA (CNRS IRL2924) gave me an opportunity to meet among others a large number of mathematicians working in Brazil and more largely in Latin America. Regular interactions between mathematicians working in the same field are very important.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
- Invited speaker ECM 2008
Research thematics
Nonlinear PDEs; Wave propagation; Soliton theory; Blowup
Bertrand Maury
- CNRS Silver Medal 2022
Research thematics
Applied mathematicsFind out more

Ludovic Métivier
The best way to guarantee that progresses are made in mathematics is to keep researchers communities as lively as possible. New ideas stem from exchanges with other researchers through conferences, seminars, summer schools, and peer-reviewed publications in international journals. The continuous exchange with colleagues from across the country and across the world is pretty stimulating.
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2019
Research thematics
Geophysics, Numerical analysisFind out more

Yves Meyer
- Prix Abel 2017
- Member of the French Académie des sciences
Research thematics
Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces, PDE
Grégory Miermont
Research in mathematics is probably one of the jobs where one has the most freedom. Maths researchers cherish their independence, they find their own research topics, collaborate with whoever they like, and organize as many friendly and relaxed moments as they can during conferences, because these are the most likely to spark new discussions and ideas! It is always such a pleasure when a very vague idea discussed over coffee comes to fruition and becomes a theorem!
- CNRS silver medal 2018
- EMS Prize 2012
Research thematics
Probability theory and stochastic processes; Combinatorics
Eva Miranda
I would like to give today’s girls role models of female scientists who are brilliant, committed women, but not out-of-touch superheroines.
- LMS Hardy Lecturer 2023
- François-Deruyts Prize 2022
- Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award 2022
- Plenary speaker ECM 2021
- FSMP Chair of Excellence 2017-2018
- ICREA Academia Prize 2016 & 2021
Research thematics
Differential geometry, Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Sepideh Mirrahimi
What I find most rewarding about my job is the sense of fulfillment when I grasp how to approach my problem in order to solve it, along with the interdisciplinary aspect and the collaborative exchange between mathematics and biology, witnessing the mutual enrichment between disciplines.
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2022
Research thematics
PDE, Mathematical modeling of biological phenomenaFind out more

Clément Mouhot
I enjoy the childlike pleasure of solving problems by investigating for months or even years. The feeling of being part of an adventure bigger than oneself, and which has meaning.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Analysis; PDE; Mathematical physics (Foundations of Stastical Mechanics)
Stéphane Nonnenmacher
I started my academic career as a theoretical physicist, and slightly shifted towards pure mathematics. Mathematics is a part of a global project, science. Yet, as opposed to other sciences, research in mathematics does not directly rely on experiments and observations of the world, the research objectives being set by the mathematicians themselves, not by experimental results. This gives the mathematician a large freedom to set up his or her research paths; in this context, exchanges with peers become utterly important when making choices of research directions.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Quantum chaos; Semiclassical analysis; Mathematical physics
Steve Oudot
Connecting vastly different areas of mathematics, whenever that is possible, is always a source of excitement and wonder.
- Invited Speaker ECM 2024
Research thematics
Topological data analysis; representation theory; computational geometry
Olga Paris-Romaskevich
I consider the profession of mathematician as an artistic profession. I try to practice it as such.
- Irene Joliot-Curie "Special Commitment" Prize
- L’Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science 2016
Research thematics
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory; Outreach of mathematics
Gabriel Peyré
Interacting with the younger generations enriches. They will always raise very relevant, often non trivial, questions.
- ERC Advanced Grants 2023
- CNRS silver medal 2021
- Invited speaker ECM 2021
Research thematics
Machine learning, Optimization, Imaging sciencesFind out more

Vincent Pilloni
What strikes me most is to be with mathematicians in action, to think with them about a new problem, and to see their ideas being organised
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Number theory; Algebraic geometry
Christine Proust
- Invited speaker ICM 2022
Research thematics
Diversity of mathematical practices and the circulation of knowledge in antiquity
Wei Qian
I came to France at the age of 18 for preparatory classes, and have been strongly impressed by the mathematical culture here. During my doctoral thesis, I discovered that mathematics is not cold and difficult, but full of intuitions and imagination. I cherish the opportunity to be a researcher in CNRS, because it offers an extraordinary freedom which allows one to work on deep questions and explore new research directions.
Research thematics
Probability theory; Mathematical physics
Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
Research in mathematics can be very exciting !! it is about learning new things, being asked new questions by very different people, and trying to formalize and mathematize it. Mathematics is a wonderful language that can help very different people to communicate and to push forward science. Everyday, I’m trying to do that in fields that can be very far away from mathematics at first glance.
- CNRS silver medal 2021
Research thematics
Statistics; Probability theory and stochastic processes; Modeling for neuroscience and cognition
Simon Riche
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2016
Research thematics
Geometric representation theory, algebraic groups, categories of sheaves
Geneviève Robin
By doing applied mathematics, I combine my taste for abstraction with my desire to work for health and biodiversity monitoring.
Research thematics
Statistical learning
Laure Saint-Raymond
I spend a lot of time teaching, attending seminars, digging into the literature to keep up with what’s going on and communicating the results of my research. Working at the blackboard is a creative, almost recreative part. I enjoy doing it with others, even when we do not get anywhere or do not at all find what we were heading at!
- Tullio Levi Civita International Prize 2022
- Plenary speaker ICM 2022
- Bôcher Prize 2020
- Fermat Prize 2015
- Irene Joliot-Curie "Young Female Scientist" Prize 2011
- Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize 2009
- EMS Prize 2008. Member of the French Académie des sciences, Academia Europaea, European Academy of Sciences, Acadecy of Sciences of Paris, French University Institut
Research thematics
PDE, Fluid mechanics, Kinetic theory, Statistical physics
Olivier Schiffmann
The mathematicians who have made the greatest impression on me or whom I admire the most are not necessarily those who have developed large, “well-oiled” theories – even though their influence on mathematics is undoubtedly the most important one -; I am personally more attracted to those whose work you need to rummage through, who write papers full of calculations or mysterious constructions and complex conjectures, driven by a diffused but tenacious intuition.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Nonassociative rings and algebras; Algebraic geometry
Andrea Seppi
I work in geometry and topology, and I am always amazed by the deep connections to many other areas of mathematics
Research thematics
Differential geometry and geometric topology
Sylvia Serfaty
I like the intellectual stimulation, and the fact that my job as a mathematician doesn’t repeat itself. One is always pushed further, confronting one’s own limitations, trying to get better and renew oneself, learning new things and moving forward to explore new territories.
- Plenary speaker ICM 2018
- Poincaré Prize 2012
- EMS Prize 2004
- Member of European Academy of Sciences & of American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Research thematics
PDE, Mathematical physics
Jérémie Szeftel
Having the freedom to pick among infinitely many fascinating problems, and exploring the beauty of mathematics while trying to solve them: there is no better job in the world!
- ERC Advanced Grants 2023
- Clay Research Award 2023
- Bôcher Prize 2023
- Invited speaker ICM 2014
Research thematics
Nonlinear PDEs, General RelativityFind out more

Michel Talagrand
In some sense, i could be proud of the things that were the hardest to do, but it is not the case. The first result I proved which really had an impact was on Gaussian processes. This sort of miraculous result, which proves the equivalence of two very different ways to look at some objects that are in fact the same, when it was done it was such a miracle result that I said :”the miracle will not stop there. Let us dream, in the same direction, what could be the structure of other related objects”.
- Abel Prize 2024
- Shaw Prize 2019
Research thematics
Probability theory; functional analysis; Suprema of stochastic processes; Concentration of measures; Spin glassFind out more

Bertrand Toën
Mathematics are fascinating, profound, full of mysteries and challenging. However, what I like the most is their simplicity in their daily practice: a piece of paper, a pen, a cup of coffee and maybe a couple of friends to exchange ideas with are enough to start doing math.
- CNRS Silver Medal 2023
Research thematics
Algebraic geometry and topology
Fabio Toninelli
They say that science and, in particular, mathematics, cross national borders and create bridges between different cultures and individuals. This is not just rhetoric: it is something I personally experience every day, when I communicate with my collaborators who, for the most part, live hundreds of miles away from here. Mathematics gives me the feeling of belonging to a community that shares a certain vision of the world and of humanity
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
- Plenary speaker International Congress on Mathematical Physics 2018
Research thematics
Statistical mechanics; Probability theory; Stochastic processes
Emmanuel Trélat
I am eternally in admiration of the power of mathematics to solve so many different problems… There is never a dull moment in our profession. And what fun it is !
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
Research thematics
Calculus of variations and optimal control; Optimization, Systems theory; Control
Joris van der Hoeven
Fundamental problems in mathematics and computer science have a captivating character: once you get caught up in the game, it lures you in, and the deeper you dig, the richer and more fascinating it becomes. Moreover, thanks to the CNRS, I have a lot of freedom. I just need a few more lives to solve all the problems that interest me.
- Invited speaker ICM 2018
- Karp Prize 2018
Research thematics
Computer mathematics; Asymptotic algebra; Fast arithmetic; Mathematical document editors
Eric Vernier
I am above all attracted by the creative, contemplative and very free side of problem solving.
Research thematics
Exactly solvable models in statistical mechanics and quantum systems
Marie-France Vignéras
Never stop learning and working, always be surrounded by young, intelligent people, like my students.
- Invited speaker ICM 2022
Research thematics
Representations of p-adic reductive groups.
Claire Voisin
International contacts or exchanges are very influential on my research, but the much smaller community of friends, colleagues and students I meet weekly at a seminar is also important. There is a feeling of being part of a much friendly and diverse group.
- BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards 2024
- Crafoord Prize 2024
- Shaw Prize 2017
- CNRS 2016 gold medal
- Member of the French Académie des sciences, Academia Europaea
Research thematics
Algebraic geometry, several complex variables and analytic spacesFind out more

Irène Waldspurger
My goal is to contribute to the theoretical understanding of algorithms which are widely used in practice. I am notably interested in understanding why these algorithms sometimes work perfectly while classical theoretical analysis tells us they should fail.
- CNRS bronze medal 2020
Research thematics
Inverse problems, non-convex optimization
Yilin Wang
Listen to your heart, and don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. Don’t judge yourself too soon. The qualities that make an excellent mathematician may be more diverse and complicated than expected. The ones who stayed until the end may not be the quickest or the smartest, but those who truly loved and persisted.
- Salem Prize 2024
- Invited Speaker ECM 2024
- ERC Starting Grant 2023
- Prix New Frontiers Maryam Mirzakhani 2022
Research thematics
Probability theory; complex analysis; Teichmüller theory; geometric analysisFind out more

Benjamin Wesolowski
One of my professors probably determined my vocation during an algorithmic cryptology course where he was astonished, in a joking tone, that we pay him a salary to solve such entertaining problems!
- ERC Starting Grant 2023
Research thematics
Cryptography; Number theory; Computer algebra
Cong Xue
I came from China to France to study Mathematics because I was attracted by the French algebraic geometry school. Now I am working on the Langlands program for function fields.
Research thematics
Number theory; Algebraic geometry
Susanna Zimmermann
I love discussing and doing mathematics. It is creative work, and many research ideas only come up when I’m getting to let my mind wander. Mathematics appears everywhere in everyone’s lives, hidden or not, it is utterly important to keep investing into it.
- ERC Starting Grants 2022
- CNRS Bronze Medal 2020
Research thematics
Algebraic geometry; Birational geometry; Group theory
Anton Zorich
My scientific interests are often implicitly influenced by physics, I consider mathematics and physics as a whole. I never hesitate to start studying an interesting phenomenon through concrete examples or through computer experiments. When some understanding is already achieved, I feel much more confident in searching a rigorous justification of a predicted answer. I usually work in collaboration and feel myself extremely lucky because my colleagues are my friends and my friends are mostly my colleagues.
- ERC Advanced Grants 2023
- Coauthor of a talk at ICM 2022
- Chern Professor 2019
- Invited speaker ICM 2006
- Member of the Institute of Universities of France
- Decerf Prize (shared with other editors of Diagonals) 2004