Want to apply for a permanent position in France?
France offers permanent positions, whether in French universities or at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research).
Positions at the CNRS
- Chargé or chargée de recherche (CR) / Junior Researcher
- Directeur or directrice de recherche (DR) / Senior Researcher
Research-only positions.
Hiring schedule at the CNRS: Apply in December.
Positions at University
- Maître or maîtresse de conférences (MCF) / Assistant Professor
- Professeur or professeure des universités (PU) / Full Professor
Hiring schedule: Throughout the year and mostly in February.
(Connection required. login: postes / password: p**** where **** stands for the year.)
NB: 25th Section stands for Mathematics. 26th Section, for Applied Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics.
Check for yourself if spoken French is required in the positions you’re applying for. Then apply online.
For all positions, you will work within a French mathematics laboratory.