CNRS, the French National Center for Scientific Research, is involved in the development of international scientific cooperation through a number of tools, among which are International Research Laboratories (IRL) and International Research Networks (IRN).
International Research Laboratories
Some 10 International Research Laboratories (IRL) in mathematics are located around the world and may host researchers.
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Abraham de Moivre
South Kensington Campus; London SW7 2AZLondonUnited Kingdom -
Centre de modélisation mathématique CMM
Avenue Blanco Encalada 2120 Pis; 2120; Santiago De ChileSantiago De ChileChile -
Centre de recherches mathématiques CRM
Succursale – Centre Ville Montreal; BP6128 MontréalMontrealCanada -
France-Vietnam in Mathematics and its Applications FVMA
157b P. Chùa Láng, Láng Thượng, Đống ĐaHà NộiViêt Nam -
French Japanese Laboratory in Mathematics and its Interactions FJLMI
3-8-1 Komaba; Meguro; 153-8914 TokyoTokyoJapan -
Indo-French Center for Applied Mathematics IFCAM
Indian Institute Of Science; 560012 BangaloreBangaloreIndia -
Nordbergstrasse 15, A-1090 WienViennaAustria -
Institut franco-uruguayen de mathématiques IFUMI
MontevideoFrance, Uruguay -
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz IMPA
110 Estrada Dona Castorina; Rio De JaneiroRio De JaneiroBrazil -
Laboratoire Solomon Lefschetz LaSol
Avenue Universidad 3000; 04510 Ciudad De MexicoMexico CityMexico -
Laboratoire Ypatia des Sciences Mathématiques LYSM
CMI – 39 Rue Frédéric Joliot-Curie; 13453 Marseille cedex 13RomaItaly -
Research Lab in Computer Science ReLaX
H1; SIPCOT IT Park; Kelambakkam; Siruseri; Tamil Nadu 603103ChennaiIndia -
The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences PIMS
200 – 1933 West Mall; V6T1Z2 VancouverVancouverCanada

International Research Networks
International Research Networks (IRN) organize short visits and thematic conferences in mathematics.
Afrique France réseau international de mathématiques AfriMATH
Centre franco-indien pour les mathématiques CFIM
France, India -
Contrôle des EDP et calcul scientifique CoPDESC
France, Germany, Italy -
Formath Vietnam Singapour LIAFVS
France, Singapore, Vietnam -
Fundamental Maths FuMa
Australia, France -
Geometry and Arithmetic GandA
Denmark, France, Madagascar, South Africa -
Groupement euro-maghrébin de mathématiques et leurs interactions GEM2I
Europe, Maghreb -
Laboratoire sino-français en mathématiques appliquées LIASFMA
China, France -
Laboratoire sino-français en mathématiques fondamentales LSFMF
China, France -
Mathematics with Eastern and Central Europe ECO-Maths
France, Hungary, Roumania -
Network in Representation Theory
France, Germany, United Kingdom