The Henri Lebesgue Center is a high level research center in mathematics with international impact set in Rennes, Nantes, Brest, Vannes, Angers and Le Mans.
Master Scholarships
Master Scholarships for Master students (2nd year) Fundamental mathematics and applications :
- Scientific computing, and modelling,
- Statistical engineering, data science,
- Mathematics of information, cryptography
- Modelling, numerical analysis and scientific computing
- Applied mathematics – statistics.
PhD Grants, Post-Doc Positions
- Rennes : Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes
- Nantes : Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray
- Brest-Vannes : Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Bretagne Atlantique
- Angers : Laboratoire angevin de recherche en mathématiques
- and Le Mans : Laboratoire Manceau de Mathématiques
Research Periods
The Lebesgue Center organizes each year a thematic semester, eg Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in 2022 and Probabilities in 2023. The Lebesgue Center offers scholarships (accommodation or travel) to young researchers wishing to participate in single events of the semester.
- A very high level and original research (Rennes is on the top 75 list in Shangai ranking in mathematics)
- 300 professors, 140/150 PhD students
- A broad spectrum of today’s mathematics, from the most applied to the most abstract: cryptography; analytic, differential and algebraic geometry; global analysis; PDE; numerical analysis; mechanics; ergodic theory; stochastic processes; statistics; data science. . .
- An attractive advanced graduate program
- A wide range of courses offering an outstanding training in mathematics and its interactions
- A large panel of scholarships and supports to students, teachers, researchers…
Innovation and Outreach
- Deep interactions with the socio-economic environment in order to increase the awareness of the contributions of the mathematical sciences to society
- Diffusing mathematical culture through actions geared towards a great audience (5 minutes Lebesgue videos, public events. . .)
- The Lebesgue Agency of Mathematics for Innovation facilitates the collaboration with other scientific fields (health, information technology, and material science. . . ) and with industrial actors (Orange, Proteor, Sanden, Technicolor. . . )