The Société Mathématique de France is a mathematical society whose aim is to promote mathematics and research in mathematics.
Following the French defeat in 1870, the government of the time decided to react to make up for the technological delay, by gathering and coordinating scientific efforts and actions. Thus, the Société Mathématique de France (SMF) was created in 1872 with the aim of promoting mathematics and research to all.
Today, the SMF is a non-profit association (association loi de 1901 acknowledged as being of public utility), gathering more than 1800 members: teachers, researchers, students and doctoral students, engineers, all those who are passionate about mathematics.
The SMF is interested in mathematics in all its aspects: research advances, teaching at all levels, interactions with science and technology, dissemination and popularization. By organizing numerous conferences, congresses, working groups and think tanks, it acts with young people, the media and institutions to explain and underline the importance of mathematics in education (initial and continuing), in companies and in society.
The SMF publishes numerous journals, book collections, a quarterly gazette and other mathematical resources, allowing a wide diffusion of our science. The diffusion cell, located on the Luminy Campus, manages all our books and sends them all over the world to our subscribers.
The SMF is, with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Aix-Marseille University, the supervisor of the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), which is the world’s largest conference center in mathematics.
Finally, the SMF is in constant contact with all the other actors of the community (learned societies, associations, INSMI…) to make people love maths!