Since 2021, the ITI IRMIA++ (Research Institute in Mathematics, Interactions and Applications) is one of the 15 Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes (ITI) of the University of Strasbourg, in line with the pre-existing LabEx (Laboratory of Excellence) IRMIA (2011-2020).
This institute encompasses mathematicians from IRMA (Institute for Advanced Mathematical Research) as well as physicists from ObAS (Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory) and computer scientists from ICUBE (Engineering science, computer science and imaging Laboratory).
It brings together a research cluster and a master-PhD training program relying on 3 laboratories, 2 INRIA (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) teams, 3 computing platforms and 9 master tracks. The ITI IRMIA++ builds on the internationally renowned research in mathematics in Strasbourg, and its well-established links with the socio-economic environment. It promotes interdisciplinary academic collaborations and industrial partnerships. A core part of the ITI IRMIA++ mission is to realize high-level training through integrated master-PhD tracks over 5 years, with common actions fostering an interdisciplinary culture, such as joint projects, new courses and workshops around mathematics and its interactions. It also offers recurrent post-doc and PhD positions taking part in the collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects.