The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) is a network of excellence that federates the main laboratories of mathematics and fundamental computer science in central, northern and western Paris.
It is the largest concentration of mathematicians in the world. Its scientific spectrum encompasses all mathematics, from pure mathematics to the most applied, including fundamental computer science.
- Proposes and funds programs for research and training in mathematics and fundamental computer science.
- Organizes scientific events.
- Works to disseminate mathematics to the media, the general public, the economic and industrial world.
Main programs
FSMP Chairs of Excellence
FSMP Chairs of Excellence aim to host one or two mathematicians in one or more laboratories affiliated with the Foundation. All topics in fundamental and applied mathematics as well as in fundamental computer science are eligible.
The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris is offering post-doctoral positions in mathematics and fundamental computer science. Appointed fellows will hold one or two-year positions in one of the laboratory in the FSMP network.
PGSM Master
The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris offers to excellent students, selected through online application process, Master scholarships of 1 or 2 years.
Invited Professors
The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris finances, for external scientists, stays of two or three undivided months in one of the laboratories affiliated with the foundation, primarily to promote new collaborations and/or interactions.
These stays may include visits or collaborations in laboratories outside the foundation.
Applications less than two months old or more than three months old will not be considered for this program.
Applications are reviewed on a regular basis.